The flight to Fuerteventura - only 4 hours flight time

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Information about the flight to Fuerteventura

If you travel individually, you have to organise your flight to Fuerteventura by yourself. If you are used to package holidays, this is unfamiliar at the beginning. Here we'd like to take away the fear of organising a flight, show you different possibilities and give you some tips on how to book a flight.

Flight information at a glance:

Linear distance: approx. 3,300 km
Flight duration: approx. 4 hours

Price offers (one-way) approx. €79/pers.
Price normal (one-way) approx. €200/pers.

Internet: -> Fuerteventura Airport 

You are travelling to another country and are insecure of what will await you at the airport. You ask yourself many questions:

  • How large is the airport?
  • Which car rentals are there at the airport?
  • How far is it to my holiday resort?
  • Where do I have to check in?

In this section we will present you Fuerteventura Airport. more info

You can also book your flight in a travel agency. Here you have a contact person who does all the important things for you. In the following section, we will show you the advantages and disadvantages and the procedure.... more info

Here we present you some possibilities of how you can inform yourself about airlines. On the Internet there is a lot of information about well-established but also about less known airlines. more info

Mostly the cheaper solution -> book a flight directly on the Internet

Many people shy away from booking a flight on the Internet. But why? Why do people mistrust the Internet in this context? Here we give you some tips and show you the advantages and disadvantages when you book your flight... more info