Persons max.:
Living space:
Year of construction:
La Pared - photograph: Dieter Sukowski
An important aspect: accommodation. How can you find one? How expensive is it? How does this individual holiday differ from a package holiday in this respect?
If you are searching for a bungalow, a holiday flat or an apartment, our accommodation list will help you.
For a package holiday or for booking a hotel, there are catalogues. But how can I book private accommodation? You will find the answer to this question in the following article. Here you learn how to find suitable bungalows or apartments. more info
Many package holiday tourists shy away from looking for private accommodation due to the allegedly "complicated" booking of a holiday flat. But is it really that much more difficult to look for accommodation on one's own account? In the following... more info
Here you find the answers to questions linked to the subject of accommodation. If you have any other questions, we would be happy to answer them. Just mail or fax us. more info